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Thoughts & Inspiration

   I was riding back from Matata today on public. It was insanely crowed, as usual, so I had this random little girl on my lap. She was four. We waited about 30 minutes until the khumbi was full. As soon as the wheels started turning she was out. Her head kept drooping onto her chest so I pulled  her back onto mine instead. Her mom had bought her a lollipop about ten minutes prior to her falling asleep, and it was still in her open, drooling mouth. Eventually the drool overflowed from her lips to my arm, but I didn’t mind. I was having another one of those surreal moments where I realized exactly where I was and what I was doing and acknowledged that it was extraordinary.

Lila Dillon

This blog for Lila Dillon is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.